Old blog and new

I am currently consolidating all my blog posts here on my website, on two separate blog pages. I'm shortly going to delete the old blog so it will no longer exist on blogspot.

This transitional message is on both blog pages of my website, "current blog" and "first blog." 

All the JUST A MOT posts are now saved here as a separate blog page: "first blog: JUST A MOT."  You can still read there about my linguistic adventures as I rediscovered French during my three years in the lovely city of Lyon.

If you followed me on blogspot, thank you!  I'm sorry that there isn't a similar "follow" function here yet. It should be available soon. In the meantime, do please check back regularly (my current blog has more frequent posts, or so I intend!).

I do so enjoy the conversation blogging affords! Thank you for being here.